This product is geared towards the maintenance of properties in our custody specifically for landed properties. Properties under this categories are those that have been verified and registered with Score Maxten Properties Nig. Ltd or listed provided due diligence has been carried out . This  product is commonly called  (PMM) which means  Property monitoring/maintenance.

It is categorized as follows






 PMM 1 refers to visiting of site and clearing of the  site four times annually. 

N.B Cost of Clearing not inclusive  as clearing is based on current clearing cost per location

50ft by 100ft

100ft by 100ft

200ft by 200ft

#120,000 +CLEARING FEE

#130,000+ CLEARING FEE




(PMM 2 refers to visiting the site twice a year and  4 times clearing. 

N.B Cost of Clearing not inclusive  as clearing is based on current clearing cost per location

50ft by 100ft

100ft by 100ft

200ft by 200ft

#70,000+ CLEARING  FEE




(PPM 3) refers to Visit to site 6 times a year and  3 times clearing 

N.B Cost of Clearing not inclusive  as clearing is based on current clearing cost per location

50ft by 100ft

100ft by 100ft

200ft by 200ft





(PPM 4) Visit to site four time a year (Quarterly) without clearing


50ft by 100ft

100ft by 100ft

200ft by 200ft





(PPM 5) refers to Visit to site  twice a year  without  clearing

50ft by 100ft

100ft by 100ft

200ft by 200ft





(PPM 6)  refers to once Visit without clearing 


50ft by 100ft

100ft by 100ft

200ft by 200ft




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Here at SCOREMAXTEN property Nigeria limited, we are more than an agency.

We are partners that journey with you all through. The planning, design, construction, and operation or functional stage of your building projects. Our typical building construction process runs through 5 main phases. Our architects and engineers both function in creating an environmental design. That showcases sky-high performance through sustainable professionalism and energy efficiency. Choose us as your preferred construction agency today.